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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cyber Safari

A co-worker sent me a link this week that opened the door to a veritable cyber safari. There is a camera setup overseas that allows us to stream live images from a waterhole straight from Africa. This thing is great. Just take a look at a few pictures that I took just this morning.

*Added 1/19/2006

These pictures capture some sort of native deer, a lion cub (maybe a lioness), and a family of baboons. I've heard stories of giraffes, rhinos and hippos too. Some people even claim to have witnessed kills here. All I know is that I'm hooked. I love this thing! What do you think?


Blogger April said...

I'm excited about it for sure looking forward to seeing different animals in their natural habitat. I took a peek about 3:30 Nkhoro Pan time and it was Thundering and cloudy skies so no animals as of yet but it is a site I will be looking at frequently.

1/18/2007 7:28 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I saw a cheetah today. Who needs the zoo? This type of thing could change the way people visit zoos for all time.

1/18/2007 3:08 PM  
Blogger Ched said...


1/18/2007 9:46 PM  

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